"May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace, the gladness of Christmas give you hope, the warmth of Christmas grant you love." - unknown
"We are thankful for...."
"Trick or Treat!"
It’s about time update this blog. I guess lack of blogging means I’m busy, right? Which it’s true – I have been very busy these past few months and I’ll tell you all about it. First and foremost the winter is starting to get closer and closer…especially since I’m 3,000 feet up in the mountains. However, I am determined to keep my heat off until December 1st. I’ve only turned it on once due to a stomach virus and terrible sickness. Somehow my goal of keeping the heat turned off keeps getting pushed back. This is fine with me since I will save money on electricity. While growing up, during the winter, my parents refused to have our heat act as the sole source of keeping us warm. We were required to double up on socks, wear sweatshirts, slippers, etc… So I should thank them….
So what am I doing over here…As written in other blogs, my primary project is working with Roma teenagers after school. I’ve learned that I can do whatever I want to try and get the kids to come. If they come to an after school program they’re more likely to stay out of trouble. As school ends at 1:30 here there’s plenty of time for troublemakers! The first project I did was on October 18th which is the International Awareness of Human Trafficking. I worked with a colleague and we explained what human trafficking is, how it happens, how to be aware, etc…
Supplies from Midwest Dental - Thank You!
The second project I did happened extremely fast! My director had mentioned that she wanted me to do a dental hygiene project this past summer. I had supplies donated from Midwest Dental and I created a presentation with 3 different experiments and together, my colleagues and I taught the kids about proper dental hygiene. This was important because the kids I work with, many of them have poor dental health. It was a success. I will try and upload pictures!
Dental hygiene...this should be fun....
Everyone loves experiments!
Lastly, and what I’m currently working on is an HIV/AIDS project. World AIDS Day is December 1st and Peace Corps Bulgaria put together a quilt with squares made from the kids all over the country. I wanted my organization to participate in this. However, I didn’t know if my kids knew what HIV even was. I created a multimedia presentation on a basic overview of what HIV/AIDS is. The first discussion question was, “What do you know about HIV/AIDS?” About half the kids didn’t even know what it was. The other kids had heard about it in passing but weren’t really sure what it was. After this overview the kids worked in pairs and helped contribute squares to the quilt. For December 1st I have put together a presentation about discrimination and HIV/AIDS. I then have two games planned and my director will demonstrate, on a carrot, how to properly use a condom. Wish me luck!
Completion of our squares
Hard at work making squares
Other than being busy at work my group of volunteers had our In-Service Training this past week where we all got together for the first time in 5 months! It was great to see everyone and catch up. The first months at site are the hardest so it was good for us all to be together.
Christmastime is approaching and every day I see new lights in the windows. Christmas spirit is here in Bulgaria, just not as much as in America. I have kept mine alive by having a little tree with ornaments, tinsel and a Merry Christmas on my door. Also, last night, for the first time, I saw the Borovets ski trails lit up! It will be a good winter. I am lucky enough to be spending Christmas with my best friend this year! We will be traveling to Paris, Edinburgh and London for 16 days. Now I will leave you with one of my favorite links which was passed to me through my cousin’s in Alaska:
Happy Holidays everyone and remember, home is where the heart is <3. Stay warm and stay happy!
Loved the Alaskan Hallelujah Chorus. Thanks for remembering that Betsy sent it to us. I hope you get a bit more Christmas spirit when the next package arrives--any day now! Love, Mom
Loved the Alaskan Hallelujah Chorus. Thanks for remembering that Betsy sent it to us. I hope you get a bit more Christmas spirit when the next package arrives--any day now! Love, Mom